Understanding Human Biomechanics
The muscles and joints of the body function most efficiently when they are in physical balance. The body is a biomechanical kinetic chain where abnormal movements at one link, or joint, can interfere with proper movements at other joints. During standing and walking, our bodies are subject to mechanical stress and strain throughout the interrelated chain of muscles and bones.
When a person has a foot imbalance, there is a negative impact on the knees, hips, pelvis, and spine. Some patients must have these abnormal forces reduced before they can achieve improved spinal function and minimal wear and tear to the joints.
Improper Balance & Function of the Feet Leads to:
Excessive rotation of the tibia and femur, stressing the knee and twisting the pelvis and spine.
Tilting of the pelvis which places tension on muscles and connective tissues, eventually resulting in chronic back problems.
High levels of heel-strike shock from the breakdown of the body’s natural shock absorbers. The shock wave then transmits up the kinetic chain, resulting in painful symptoms up to the head, slowed recovery of leg and spine injuries, and aggravation of other conditions.
Benefits of Stabilizer/Orthotic Use:
Adequately fitted Spinal Pelvic Stabilizers support the foot to control excessive pronation and supination, preventing unwanted stress on the body.
Limiting functional hypermobility helps chiropractic adjustments hold longer and increases the effectiveness of care.
Improved shock absorption reduces repetitive stress on joints and muscles, permitting smoother function and decreasing arthritic symptoms.
Use of Stabilizers represents a long-term, yet cost-effective intervention for many types of functional and structural problems.
How Stabilizers Work
Wearing Stabilizers inside shoes is similar to placing a shim beneath the leg of a wobbly table. It adds support to eliminate unwanted motion in the entire structure. The foot consists of three distinct arches, which create the plantar vault also known as the transverse arch. When all three arches are functioning correctly postural integrity, and stability is optimal. Flexible Soft Custom Pelvic Stabilizers help guide the feet through a more normal pattern with each step taken and encourage optimal muscle, arch, and nerve function.